Photo by Becca Tapert / Unsplash

Women's Ministry

Week Day Morning Prayers

We welcome all women to join us with "morning prayer" from 7.00am to 7.15am Monday to Friday via Zoom.

Here are the details to join us:

  • Meeting ID: 485 919 0055
  • Passcode: Jesus3:16


"Create a vibrant sanctuary of support, growth and inspiration where women of all walks of life come together to nuture their faith, forge lasting connections and champion
each other'sjourney towards purposeful empowerment"


"Cultivating a sisterhood of faith, love and empowerment, guiding women to embrace their unique identities, deepen spiritual connection and postively impact families, communities across New Zealand".

Ellen G White says...

"We greatly need consecrated women who, as messengers of mercy, shall visit the mothers and the children in their homes, and help them in the everyday household duties, if need be, before beginning to talk to them regarding the truth for this time. You will find that by this method you will have souls as the result of your ministry." Ellen G. White, Review and Herald, July 12, 1906.

"Christ’s method ALONE will give true success in reaching people. The Savior mingled with [people] as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, ‘follow Me’." Ellen G. White, Ministry of Healing, p. 143.

Prayer Meetings

16 Oct 2024, 7:00pm

We welcome you to join us for our weekly "Prayer Meetings", a place to uplift, prayer for others, our community and the needs of our church.